Looking for Good Agricultural Shop Name Ideas? Below is a review that provides recommendations for successful tips along with examples of good, unique, and Islamic agricultural shop business name ideas. Let’s read until the end!
Talking about the agricultural business, good and unique agricultural shop name ideas are things that should not be missed besides the availability of capital, human resources, and production tools.
Even so, it turns out that there are still many business people who underestimate the importance of giving a name to their business. In fact, the name of this shop is very important as an identity as well as branding.
To find out recommendations for agricultural shop name ideas and their meanings along with tips for choosing the right business name, let’s look at the following review:
What is Business?
The word business itself is adapted from English, namely “business” which means busyness. The simple definition of business is an activity or activity that can generate profit.
In the context of its activities, business is an activity carried out by individuals or organizational bodies that involve production activities, purchases, and exchange of goods/services.
This business activity is carried out to obtain profit or profit. Meanwhile, in the context of an entity, a business is a professional body or organization engaged in the commercial sector.
Hughes and Kapoor argue that business is an activity carried out by individuals in an organized manner to produce and sell goods/services in order to make a profit.
Meanwhile, according to Brown and Petrello, a business is an institution that produces goods/services for the needs of the community.
The definition of business according to Brown and Petrello also includes various fields of business, both those carried out by the government and the private sector, regardless of whether it is pursuing profit or not.
As you already know, every activity must have a goal to be achieved, including business. So, what are the goals and what things need to be built from a business?
Well, the goal of a business is to meet the needs of the community while gaining profit from the goods/services produced.
In general, businesses are built because of the opportunity and chance to produce goods or services that do not yet exist or have not been produced by other industries.
In addition to having goals to be achieved, businesses also have several functions, including production functions, distribution functions, sales functions, and marketing functions.
How to Choose a Good and Unused Business Name?
In building a business, of course, there are important points that you must understand, one of which is determining the idea of a business name that you want to run.
Because choosing a business name cannot be careless, especially since the name is a brand identity that will later be recognized by many people.
Therefore, first recognize several points in determining a business name. The important things you need to know are as follows.
1. Choose a Store Name That is Easy to Remember
One tip for choosing a name for your agricultural business or shop is to use a name that is easy to remember and pronounce.
A store name that is easy to remember and pronounce will be easier to find and increase the chances of buyers coming back to buy the products/services you sell.
2. Use a Name That Has Not Been Used by Other Business People
In addition to being easy to remember, choose a name that has not been used by other businesses. This aims to avoid confusion between the business you run and other people’s businesses.
Before deciding to give a name to your business or shop, you can search for ideas for a unique agricultural shop name that no other business has used via the internet.
3. Use a Unique Name
To attract potential buyers, you can use a unique business or shop name. People will usually be curious about a unique shop name.
If they are curious, they will usually come directly to your shop or business to overcome their curiosity and find out for themselves what products/services you sell.
A unique name can also be an effective means of product promotion. Some ideas for easy-to-remember and unique agricultural shop names include BooTani, 99 Farm, Toko Taniku, and others.
4. Use a Name That Many People Know
Choosing a unique shop or business name is indeed something that is natural to be different from other people’s business names.
Even so, you must first consider whether the words used for your shop name are already widely known to the public or are still foreign.
Don’t choose a shop or business name by using words that are difficult to remember and difficult for the general public to recognize.
5. Use a Family Name
When choosing a name for your business, you can use your family name. Using this family name will show that you are a confident person.
Using a family name for a shop or business name will make you more enthusiastic and motivated, to work harder because it is related to the good name of your family.
6. Use Foreign Language Vocabulary
You must have often seen and heard the names of shops or businesses that use foreign languages, right?
In Indonesia itself, English words are widely used for business or shop names, for example Oke Chicken, Eka Florist, Rahmat Cakery, Bread Story, and so on.
In choosing a business name using this foreign language, you should use words that represent the business or business that you are engaged in.
That way, your shop name will be more easily recognized and people will immediately know what products/services you are offering.
7. Use a Combination of Numbers
To name your shop, you can use a combination of numbers, for example Toko Tani 88, Toko 9 Farm, and so on.
Also avoid using letters from foreign languages such as Arabic, Japanese, or Korean letters. Although it seems unique, not everyone can read it and it is difficult to remember.
Benefits of a Good and Unused Business Name!
Choosing the right shop or business name can actually provide many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of giving the right business name:
1. Improves Business Image
By choosing the right business name, the image of the business or business you are engaged in will certainly increase. Of course, this must also be balanced with a good branding strategy.
A business name that is easy to remember will be more widely known by the public. If so, you only need to improve product quality and provide the best service.
The more popular the business you are engaged in, the easier it will be for you to get new partners, investors, customers, and facilitate the marketing of the goods/services you sell.
2. Differentiate Between Businesses
Any business, including the agricultural business that you are engaged in, certainly has many competitors. This is what makes naming a shop or business very important.
The name of the shop or business that you choose will differentiate between the business you run and other people’s businesses.
By choosing a unique and memorable shop name, consumers will recognize the products/services you sell more quickly.
This is certainly useful for attracting potential buyers to use the products you offer.
3. Become an Indicator of Customer Trust
Every consumer certainly has their own criteria and level of trust in a brand on the market.
There are many factors that can create their sense of trust in a business brand such as customer testimonials and the name of a brand.
Many people assume that a good brand is a brand that is widely used by the public.
This is the reason why choosing a business name is very important. If your shop name is easy to remember, then the greater the opportunity to be known to the public.
In addition to choosing the right and memorable name, the shop’s reputation must also be built by always prioritizing the best quality and service in order to create customer satisfaction.
4. Facilitates Promotional Activities
When the name of a business brand is already attached to the hearts of consumers, it will make it easier for you to promote the business you are running.
Choosing the right name is useful for making it easier for people to remember the name of your shop, so that word of mouth promotion becomes more effective.
5. Facilitates the Creation of New Product Variations
Choosing the right and easy-to-remember name is also useful for making it easier to create new product variations.
The more popular the name of the business you are engaged in, the easier it is to launch new products because of the consumer trust that has been built.
For example, you are engaged in the business of selling agricultural equipment. Later, you want to expand your wings in the field of selling ornamental plants.
To get potential buyers of ornamental plants, you no longer need to bother because the name of your business is already widely known to the public.
That way, promotion for the ornamental plants you sell becomes easier. Consumers also find it easier to believe in the quality offered, just like the agricultural equipment in your shop.
List of Good and Unused Agricultural Shop Name Ideas!
As previously explained, choosing the right business name will provide many benefits for business actors.
Many business people choose unique names to make them easy to remember. Well, here are some ideas for agricultural shop names that bring blessings:
1. Islamic Agricultural Shop Name Ideas
Islamic names are widely used for shop or business names because they are considered to have meanings that bring blessings as well as prayers. Here are examples of Islamic names for agricultural shops:
- Aidah Store (Aidah means gift)
- Karima Store (Karima means valuable and perfect)
- Kamalia Store (Kamalia means perfection)
- Thara Tani Store (Thara means wealth)
- Aminah Jaya Store (Aminah means trustworthy)
- Agro Amirah Store (Amirah means abundant)
- Chana Abadi Store (Chana means beloved)
- Akifah Tani Store (Akifah means chosen)
- Mufida Store (Mufida means beneficial)
- Maysara Store (Maysara means abundant)
- Abizar Store (Abizar means gold mine)
- Labid Store (Labid means abundant)
- Abbasy Store (Abbasy means diligent in trying)
2. Sanskrit Agricultural Store Name Ideas
In addition to the Islamic nuance, Sanskrit words are also often used for store or business names because they contain good meanings.
- Radhika Store (Radhika means prosperous and successful)
- Maliqa Store (Maliqa means flower)
- Swastika Store (Swastika means luck and charming)
- Bhadra Store (Bhadra means safe)
- Darma Tani Store (Darpa means pride)
- Ekata Store (Ekata means eldest son)
- Kastara Store (Kastara means famous or renowned)
- Arsa Store (Arsa means joy)
- Kailash Store (Kailash means king of wealth)
- Haikal Store (Haikal means fertile)
- Supala Store (Supala means producing good fruit)
- Yasa Store (Yasa means prosperity)
3. Ideas for Agricultural Shop Names in Javanese
A shop or business name using Javanese can also be an option for you. Here are some recommendations for Javanese shop names:
- Sami Sae Shop (Sami Sae means equally good)
- Nampi Arto Shop (Nampi Arti means receiving money)
- Ageng Shop (Ageng means big)
- Mirah Shop (Mirah means cheap)
- Enggal Shop (Enggal means new or soon)
- Estu Sae Shop (Estu Sae means really good)
- Thukul Shop (Thukul means grow or appear)
- Ampirono Shop (Ampirono means come or invite people to come)
- Podo Mrene Shop (Podo Mrene means come here)
- Bejo Apik Shop (Bejo Apik means lucky good)
- Subur Sedaya Shop (Subur Sedaya means all fertile)
- Sumunar Shop (Sumunar means shining)
4. Ideas for Agricultural Shop Names That Bring Luck
Business names that bring luck usually use a combination of foreign languages and numbers that are considered to bring blessings or good luck.
- Fortune Farm Store (Fortune means luck)
- Lucky Store (Lucky means luck)
- Infinity Store (Infinity means unlimited)
- 88 Store (88 is a symbol of unbroken luck or good fortune)
- Perfecto Store (Perfect means perfect)
- Farm 99 Store (99 is a symbol of perfection)
- Hoki 86 Store (86 is a military term that refers to the word ‘ready’)
5. Unique Farm Store Name Ideas
A unique business name will certainly make people curious and eventually interested in buying the products being sold. Here are some recommendations for unique farm store names:
- BooTani Store
BoTani is a pun on botany. Botany itself means the science of plants so it is suitable for the name of an agricultural equipment store.
- GoFarm Store
GoFarm is suitable for the name of the agricultural business that you are engaged in. At first glance, the name “GoFarm” is similar to the Go-jek brand for the online motorcycle taxi application that has been booming lately.
GoFarm itself is a combination of 2 words, namely “geo” which means to go or depart and “farm” which means agricultural land.
- Forest Store
Forest means forest so it is still closely related to plants. If you like the number 3, it can be combined into “For3st” so that it is more unique and anti-mainstream.
- Bestree Store
Best Tree is a combination of 2 words, namely the word “best” which means best and “tree” which means tree. So, the word bestree can be interpreted as the best tree so it is suitable for your agricultural store.
- Trilogy Store
Trilogy can be spelled as trilogy or in KBBI it means three things that are interrelated or interdependent. Tree itself in English means tree or plant.
- Farm Pir Store
The word Farm Pir can be read together as “vampire” or “vampire”. Vampires are ghosts from China that are popular among horror film lovers.
Although it seems scary, this name can be a recommendation for a unique agricultural store name. Farm itself means agricultural land and pears are only a complement.
- Meni-Tools Store
The word “Meni” comes from the word “many” which in English means many and “tools” means tools, so “meni-tools” can be interpreted as many agricultural tools.
The word “many” itself is deliberately twisted into meni to make it easier for the general public to pronounce.
- So Farm Store
So in English it means so and farm means agricultural land. So Farm can be a recommendation for a unique agricultural store name because at first glance it looks like the brand name So Klin or So Nice.
Infinite Store
Infinite is a combination of the words “infinite” which means luck and “tree” which means tree. So, infinithree can be interpreted as a tree of luck.
The examples of agricultural shop name ideas above can be used as a reference in choosing the right shop or business name according to the desired meaning.
Choosing the right business name will certainly make it easier for you to build branding and open up greater opportunities to attract consumer interest.
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