Gold Shop Name Ideas
Business ideas

1001+ Gold Shop Name Ideas, Good and Unused!

Want to Find Out Good Gold Shop Name Ideas? Here is information on success tips along with good and unused gold shop business name ideas. Let’s read until the end !!

Gold, a precious metal is a sought-after item today. Women can collect more than three pieces of jewelry. With the opportunities available, choosing the right gold shop name idea can be a business opportunity.

Success is right in front of you. It takes a little strong determination and not letting the time that comes pass by.

Success Stories of Bandung Entrepreneurs Starting from Gold

Success Stories of Bandung Entrepreneurs Starting from Gold

Indonesia, which has long been known to be rich in various natural conditions, has indeed been proven today.

The mining excavations that were carried out yielded results, through the results of this excavation, the community can achieve prosperity.

Gold is a stock of the future, you must know that the selling price of gold per year has increased greatly. That’s why choosing a gold shop name idea is very useful.

A young entrepreneur, Ferriyady Hartadinata started his business from the bottom. Proving that he was able to become the highest point of his achievements. Here are the facts about his success:

1. Starting as a Salesperson

Before his name skyrocketed as a famous entrepreneur in Indonesia, Ferriyady Hartadinata’s past was very bitter. It could even be worse than we know.

Those of you who are now in his position can definitely feel it. Working as a salesperson is not easy, besides having to be able to achieve the specified target, if you have to divide your time.

This tiring job is not only experienced for 1 or 2 years, but also for more than 5 years. His struggle as a subordinate turned out to bring good luck.

Thanks to this experience from his youth, Ferriyady Hartadinata was able to dare and take decisive action in business. Having doubts, his toughness proved that everyone can if they try.

Those of you who are currently working under pressure from others can become successful like entrepreneurs. Efforts accompanied by prayer will lead a business to success.

2. 8 Years of Savings to Establish a Business

The following fact that is rarely known to the general public about the business founded by Ferriyady is the initial capital. The establishment of this gold business turned out to use savings that were collected.

The beginning of the establishment of the gold shop which has now also changed to PT. He only used savings that had been collected for approximately 8 years.

The number of workers used at that time was also not as many as now. The strong determination possessed by Ferriyady has proven to provide financial success that exceeds the average.

Steps to Become a Successful Businessman Through Gold

Steps to Become a Successful Businessman Through Gold

Inspired by the story of Ferriyady Hartadinata who started out as a salesman, but ended up becoming a successful entrepreneur. You can follow his success.

The harshness of the business world, you must face it wisely. That way you can develop the gold business that was founded.

In addition to motivating yourself, there are other ways that you can take to achieve success in the business world. Here are tips for doing a gold business that you can try:

1. Understand the Purpose of Establishing a Business

Look, the initial intention that you have expressed must be in accordance with the goal at the end. The idea that business is just money that does not generate profit will make you lose.

Those of you who are too chasing high profits will also experience a phase where your business experiences a decline due to your ambition to get high prices.

Returning to the initial intention of establishing a business will make your business more stable and secure. Development does need to be done but can be done stably.

2. Carrying the Right Concept

Similar to the food business, the gold business also experiences competition that is no less tight. Both in terms of models, types and others always experience competition.

The idea of ​​a gold shop name will help you get the right shop name. There are no twins and it is easy for people to remember.

Interesting concepts are indeed not uncommon, but not many people apply them. From here we can conclude that there are always opportunities that come from various sides.

You can be proud of the concept created. In addition to being a characteristic, it can also be the identity of your gold shop.

This right concept must also be assisted by choosing a good name for the gold shop. If so, you will definitely be able to enjoy the results of your hard work in establishing a gold business.

3. Use the Right Business Strategy

Famous entrepreneurs do not start their businesses to go bankrupt. But to become monsters for other companies.

In the first year of establishing a business, your business will definitely not run stably. It doesn’t matter, everyone goes through the same phase. You just need to be sure that it can be passed.

After enjoying the stages of starting from the bottom, you will definitely experience sudden success. Never be proud and arrogant about your first success.

This success will only last for 2 to 3 years. If you don’t manage your business properly, it will eventually go bankrupt too.

The importance of determining the right business strategy lies here. Where a newly started business can grow rapidly, while a growing business can continue to progress.

There’s nothing wrong with trying various businesses. However, you must remember, every business requires the right strategy that supports the development of the business that is established.

4. Develop Slowly

The way to achieve success in the business world is by holding back your ego. It is good to have the ambition to keep moving forward, but it is also dangerous if the ambition is too big.

Moreover, if you are the type of person who is often in a hurry to take a solution to a problem. It will certainly make your position in business even more threatened.

It sounds very scary, but you can solve this problem by developing your business slowly.

You don’t need to say that this month must reach a certain turnover. However, you must ensure that the sales that have occurred in the previous month can continue to survive.

Easy steps like this will later make your business grow rapidly and beat other businesses in the same field.

List of Good and Unused Gold Shop Name Ideas!

List of Good and Unused Gold Shop Name Ideas

The importance of having an identity is very important in determining the success of a business in the future. From the beginning of establishing a business, it would be better to think thoroughly about what is needed.

Not only what is needed in terms of equipment, but also other physical supporting components such as the name and promotional media that will be used.

This aims to provide the business with the freedom so that it can develop faster and more precisely. Here are some jewelry store name ideas that you can choose:

1. Examples of Easy-to-Remember Gold Store Name Ideas

Choosing a name for a business is not much different from choosing a name for a child. Both must choose the best and not just choose

If a child chooses carelessly, it will make it difficult for the child to remember his own name. While in business, it makes it difficult for customers to remember the name of your gold store.

In choosing a name, you can use your own name or use other names that are familiar to hear. This is intended as a promotional tool. Examples of easy gold store name ideas:

  • Sabar Store
  • Maju Store
  • Berkah Store
  • Dwi Store
  • Sinar Store
  • Raharja Store
  • Citra Store
  • Ayu Store
  • Rani Store
  • Septi Store
  • Mia Store
  • Silvi Store
  • Adinda Store
  • Sofa Store
  • Laras Store
  • Dani Store
  • Eka Store
  • Ari Store
  • Pupus Store
  • Pita Store
  • Ifa Store
  • Dian Store
  • Rama Store
  • Lia Figures
  • Linda Store
  • Riska Store
  • Star Store
  • Angga Store

2. Examples of Short Gold Jewelry Store Name Ideas

Giving a unique gold store name to a store by choosing a good name for a gold store is indeed something that many people can do.

However, before you decide on the right gold store name idea, you should check the names that are rarely used.

Why do you need to check, aren’t they the same? There are special differences that can later make it easier for buyers to memorize the name of the gold store.

Just imagine if the name of your jewelry store is too long, buyers who only pass by the street in front of the store certainly don’t have the opportunity to read it to the end

Finally, buyers only know the location, without knowing the name of your gold store. This will certainly be detrimental to you because if the store is busy, buyers will likely postpone their transactions.

Those of you who still intend to use the name that has been set, but is very long, can use an abbreviation.

You can also apply this to various social media owned by the store, so that customers can still find the store without visiting other stores. Examples of short gold shop name ideas:

  • Mutiara Golden Store (MGS)
  • Blue Golden Store (Blugos)
  • Red Gold (RG)
  • Golden Rose Official (Goroof)
  • White Gold (Wh)
  • Black Gold (B Gold)
  • Blessing Gold (Begold)
  • Fortune Gold (J Gold)
  • Intan Gold (Ingold)
  • Aurora Gold (Augo)
  • True Gold (T Gold)
  • Fake Intan (Gakin)
  • Be Careful Official Store
  • Be Happy Office Store
  • Happiness Store
  • Anti Bad Mood Store
  • Selling Real Gold (Jumasa)
  • Bu Ida’s Cheap Gold (Emur Bu Ida)
  • Anti Confused Buy (Agabel)
  • Come Buy Here (Abeksi)
  • Buy Now Mother (Besei)
  • Don’t Forget to Stop by (Jaluma)
  • Must stop for a while (Waise)
  • Really Real Gold (Benmasa)
  • Happy Real Gold (SMA)
  • Pak Yoga Sparkling Gold (Ekipayo)
  • Gold Shining (Mascahya)
  • Gold Diamond Gem (Eberta)
  • Goddess of Gold (Demas)
  • Gold Sultan (Esultan)
  • Gold Queen Jogja (Erajo)
  • Gold King of Greece (Eranani)
  • Cheap Goldsmith (Yumamu)
  • Buy Cheap Young Gold (Bermuda)
  • Buy Second Get Old Gold (Beseda Old Gold)
  • Trade in Modern Gold (Tutamke)
  • Exchange Diamonds (Tube)

3. Examples of Anti-Mainstream Jewelry Store Name Ideas

In addition to being able to choose a unique gold store name, you can also choose an anti-mainstream store name that can trigger customers’ memories.

By carrying this unique gold store name, it will later make users more interested in the gold sold in your store.

Before you agree to use a name listed in this gold store name idea, you must ask for approval from your partner.

Don’t make decisions unilaterally, without considering other people’s decisions. That way, the name you choose will definitely be very suitable when applied to a gold store.

Choosing an anti-mainstream name can use animal names or famous jewelry store names. Everything can be created according to your wishes. Here are some recommendations for gold shop name ideas that you can choose. Surely there are no twins in this world:

  • Padang Paijo Gold
  • So Sell Gold
  • Gold Shop Kw
  • Pesugihan Gold
  • Anjarwati Gold
  • Golden Bend
  • Ta’aruf Gold
  • Gold Dowry
  • My Shop
  • Gold Shop (Tomas)
  • Lady Gaga Gold
  • Syahrini Gold
  • Nagita Gold
  • Saturn Gold
  • Heaven Goddess Gold
  • Queen Elizabeth’s Gold
  • Queen Bilqis Gold
  • King Solomon’s Gold
  • Gold King (Rahayu King)
  • Earth Diamond
  • Mine Diamond
  • Heart Gem
  • Heaven’s Jewel
  • Magma Gem
  • Goddess Jewel
  • Rahayu Jewels
  • Aurora Heaven

4. Examples of Online Jewelry Store Name Ideas

In addition to thinking about the gold shop whose name will be displayed in front of the shop. You also need to think about the name of the jewelry shop that will later be uploaded on social media.

The purpose of thinking about this will make it easier for you to achieve your sales targets. Online shops can use the .com domain or other domains that are sold online through domain services.

The selection is also the same as the previous figures, namely by choosing based on a familiar but easy-to-remember name. Some recommendations that are right for your shop, namely;

  • King of Gold (Rajaemas.Com)
  • Queen of Gems (Raper.Com)
  • Sultan’s Gold (ES.Com)
  • Your Mainstay (Anan.Com)
  • Special Gift (Special.Com)
  • Must Try (Waco.Com)
  • Genuine Gold (Masli.Com)
  • Young Gold (Masda.Com)
  • To Be Worn By You (Dipamu.Com)
  • For You (Untukkamu.Com)
  • Sabar Jaya Golden Official (Sajagoof.Com)
  • Berkah Raharja Golden Official (Beragof.Com)
  • For Sale (Madi.Com)
  • From Us (Daki.Com)
  • From the Mine (Dabang.Com)
  • Not Enough Gold (Kurmas.Com)
  • Still Have a Box (Madasek.Com)
  • Fresh Golden (Fgold.Com)
  • Pak Harto’s Gold Shop (Kompaha.Com)
  • Bu Fatimah’s Gold Shop (Tombufa.Com)
  • Order Now (Ow.Com)
  • I Buy Gold (Sabem.Com)
  • Tukang Emas (Tumas.Com)
  • Sayang Emas (Sama.Com)
  • Koleksi Kekinian (Koke.Com)
  • Emas Murah (Mamur.Com)
  • Tumbas Belanja Emas (Tubles.Com)

5. Examples of Good Gold Shop Name Ideas

The following are examples of good gold shop names, which of course you can use as a reference in determining a good gold shop name. The following are examples of good gold shop names.

  • Aurora Mas Store
  • Ayu Gold Mas Store
  • Aurum Mas Store
  • Lino and Sons Mas Store
  • Mirage Jewelry Mas Store
  • Platino Mas Store
  • Juene Mas Store
  • Mrsae Jewelry Mas Store
  • SBS Jewellery Mas Store
  • Gallery Mas Store
  • Guntur Mas Store
  • Bulun Mas Store
  • Star Mas Store
  • Light Mas Store
  • Anugerah Mas Store
  • Wedding Ring Store
  • Kita Jewelry Store
  • Anita Perhisan Store
  • Mas Proposal Store
  • Mas Wedding Mas Store
  • Mas Kawin Store
  • Mount Love Mas Store
  • Biduan Mas Store
  • Aneka Gold Store
  • Mas Indah Mas Store

6. Examples of Unique Javanese Gold Shop Name Ideas

Here are examples of unique JAVANESE gold shop name ideas, and of course you can use them as a reference before deciding on a business name.

Here are examples of unique Javanese gold shop name ideas that have not been used.

  • London Gold Shop
  • Monggo Gold 999
  • Pandawa Gold Shop 5
  • Puntadewa Gold Shop
  • Krisna Gold Shop
  • Mahesa Gold Shop
  • Sang Prabu Gold Shop
  • Nyimas Gold Shop
  • Kian Santang Gold Shop
  • Semar Gold Shop
  • Nakulo Gold Shop
  • Sadewo Gold Shop
  • Petruk Gold Shop
  • Gareng Gold Shop
  • Bagong Gold Shop
  • Nakulo Gold Shop
  • Gatotkaca Gold Shop
  • Rahwono Gold Shop
  • Anoman Gold Shop
  • Nogo Sosro Gold Shop
  • Keris Mas Shop

7. Examples of Islamic Gold Shop Name Ideas

If you are looking for a gold shop name that is Islamic and full of good meaning, then here we will recommend ideas for Islamic gold shop names.

The recommendations for Islamic shop name ideas, and of course you can use them as a reference, are as follows.

  • Faeyza Gold Shop
  • Fa’iz Gold Shop
  • Farhan Gold Shop
  • Fauzan Gold Shop
  • Fattah Gold Shop
  • Ghaisan Gold Shop
  • Ghazlan Gold Shop
  • Hasanah Gold Shop
  • Hakik Gold Shop
  • Madani Gold Shop
  • Mirza Gold Shop
  • Nurulillah Intan Permata Shop
  • Azza Gold Shop
  • Amiinah Gold Shop
  • Aniisah Gold Shop
  • Ariih Gold Shop
  • Inta Gold Shop
  • Mulya Gold Shop
  • Aini Gold Shop
  • Aina Gold Shop
  • This Gold Shop
  • Husein Gold Shop
  • Akmal Gold Shop
  • Anas Gold Shop
  • Hamzah Gold Shop
  • Hammad Gold Shop
  • Mansur Gold Shop
  • Safa Gold Shop
  • Marwan Gold Shop
  • Aqila Gold Shop
  • Yumna Gold Shop
  • Intan Permata Shop

Tips for Maintaining Business in the Midst of Tight Competition

Competition that not only comes from within the country, but also from foreign products makes entrepreneurs have to be smart in designing strategies.

The majority of Indonesians still like local goods because the prices are more affordable. especially when compared to products from abroad.

If domestic products are not comparable to foreign products, not only gold can be replaced. But also various other necessities.

This is already clearly seen from the use of toys in children which are mostly dominated by products made in China and Malaysia.

Those of you who have just started a gold business must pay attention to the following things in order to maintain the business that has been pioneered;

1. Bring in New Models Every Month

The first tip you can try is to bring in new models every month. Customers who are used to just having the same capital will definitely get bored.

Just think of yourself as a handle, how would you react if your favorite character always gave the same collection of items every month? Surely you would look for another character, right?

Therefore, it is very important for you to update the models in the catalog in the store. Either uploaded on social media or printed and shown to customers.

2. Hold an Attractive Promo

Apart from the model, one thing that can support the sustainability of your store is to provide an attractive promo. The goal is solely as a promotional media.

The promos carried out are not only about discounts but can also be related to improving services.

For example, for VIP customers you can provide a promo in the form of a free design service for gold purchases with a limited nominal value.

These efforts are the first steps for you to maintain the business that has been pioneered so that the sustainability of the business will be stable.


After being equipped with business knowledge and gold shop name ideas, hopefully it can raise your business spirit.

Well, those are some examples of gold shop name ideas along with Tips in explaining a business venture. Hopefully the discussion above can be useful.

For other questions, please submit your message via the message column provided below. Thank you.

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